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We welcome you wherever you are in your walk in faith.  

We are an Episcopal parish of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, and a member of the Anglican Communion. We celebrate our diversity, and are a multinational congregation from a wide range of denominational and non-Christian backgrounds. Our services are in English each Sunday, and we also offer bilingual services.

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The Season of The Epiphany

We invite you to join us at Emmanuel Episcopal Church either in person or online, for our dedicated Services.  (Please note that the entrance to the Sanctuary is on Rue Dr Alfred Vincent).

Services will generally be as follows:


08:30  Holy Eucharist (said) 

(In the Parish Hall, entrance on Rue de Monthoux).

10:30  Holy Eucharist or Morning Prayer (with music)

Gathered at the church and livestreamed.  

(The entrance to the Sanctuary is on Rue Dr Alfred Vincent).

La Sainte Euchariste en français

La Sainte Euchariste sera célébrée, en français, à Emmanuel à 17h, un samedi du mois.  La prochaine:  samedi le 15 février.

Il s'agira d'un service de 40 minutes destiné à répondre aux besoins spirituels des paroissiens francophones. Nous espérons constituer un noyau de paroissiens engagés qui soutiendront cette initiative. Si vous souhaitez participer, veuillez vous adresser à Erin Lederrey, au diacre Richard ou au recteur.

Our Refugee Welcome Centre (RWC) continues to expand which means more opportunities to volunteer or participate in our activities, some of which are outlined below.  

For more information, details and to sign up, please contact Christine:


The presentation of Jesus in the Temple

Detail from the window in Emmanuel Church

Access to the Church

On occasions, events around the church make access difficult.  We can usually warn of these problems.  If we miss anything, the Geneva Police do give details here a few days ahead of time.

The latest news can always be found in our Weekly Epistle

Joining in and helping others, and being helped if you need it

There are many ways to join in the life of the church:  some by helping others inside our community to build a strong group of people who are ready to reach out to others; and some by directly giving time and energy to those in obvious need: the hungry, refugees etc.

"Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

There is a place for everyone: gardeners, singers, writers, camera operators, washers of dishes . . . look here to see how you can use your talents to make a better world.

Help others by volunteering with us:

The "Jardin de Monbrillant" feeds about 300 people in need each day.  We contribute one day each month. 

Our next participation in the Jardin de Montbrillant will take place on February 8th.  We work from 8:30 to 13:00, but you can contribute whatever time you have. 

You can sign up here.

Our Refugee Welcome Centre (RWC) continues to expand which means more opportunities to volunteer or participate in our activities.  For more information, details and to sign up, please contact Christine:


Amongst the recent developments:

Bi-monthly brunch

We are currently looking for volunteers to help during our bi-monthly brunches. These will take place on Wednesday January 29th, February 12th & 19th, March 5th &19th, April 2nd & 16th from 10.30-12.30. We also encourage Emmanuel community members to join us for brunch as well!

Tuesday gentle yoga for women

Yoga is back!  Open to all levels and women (refugee and non). Join this wonderful practice guided by experienced yoga teacher, Leslie Burgat on Tuesdays from 14-15h.  If you have your own yoga mat, please bring it along. 

Wednesday coffee hour

Every Wednesday from 15-17.30h we offer coffee for our French language students as well as snack for refugee children participating in English activities.  Consider joining our regular team! We start setting up at 14.45h.


Thursday hospitality 

Are you free on a Thursday afternoon to help with additional refugee hospitality? We are expanding coffee hour to include our Thursday afternoon French students from 14.30-15.30 (set up at 14.15h). 

Further details of our Refugee Programmes can be found here:        Refugees

Activities in Support of Others

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08:30 Sunday Morning Service

10:30 Sunday Service with Music - In gathering & Online 

12:30 Wednesday Midday Prayers - by Zoom

18:30 Wednesday Holy Eucharist at Emmanuel

18:00 Thursday Evening Bible Study - by Zoom



Do you get the Weekly Epistle? Click to read our most recent editions and say current with all News Emmanuel.


Actually, we want to get to know you too! We understand it can be hard to start in a new parish. Come join our family.

Emmanuel Episcopal Church adheres to the safeguarding policy and procedures of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe and is committed to the safety of all, especially our children, youth, and vulnerable adults.


Safeguarding Officer : Debbie Groby,


to find us


3 Rue de Monthoux

1201 Geneva, Switzerland

(The entrance to the Sanctuary is at 4, Rue Dr Alfred-Vincent).

+41 (0) 22 732 80 78

Office Hours: Mon-Thu 11:00-14:00

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© 2022 by Emmanuel Church.

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